Biodiversity and Business: How Can Companies Contribute to Biodiversity Protection and Why is It Important?
Biodiversity is the variety of animal or plant species that make up the environment. It is often referred to as the richness of life on Earth, but it is under constant threat. Among many other things, the loss of biodiversity can directly affect businesses by disrupting their supply chains and increasing their costs. Many businesses are already committed to biodiversity conservation, but many are not yet. Businesses should therefore start taking action to protect biodiversity and start mitigating their negative impact. Find out how your business can also contribute to the protection of biodiversity in our article.
Tips on How Your Business Can Contribute to Biodiversity Conservation
- Support Nature Conservation Associations
Support associations whose main goal is to stop the degradation of biodiversity, to preserve or restore the balance of different habitats (forests, rivers, lakes, parks, gardens). You can support them financially, become a member, or volunteer in their restoration work. You can also take part in a beneficial activity with your employees and plant trees for the planet. By doing so, you will help to protect biodiversity and at the same time improve the reputation of your company through such CSR activities.
- Incorporate Organic Food
In your business, grow and use as much organic food as possible, which, thanks to its environmentally friendly production techniques, prevents soil depletion and limits groundwater pollution. By eating organic food, you support the global organic philosophy and you also support local farmers.
- Reduce Drinking Water Consumption
Drinking water is essential for all living things, but also for the balance of our planet. We need to realise that it is precious and we should start saving it. To conserve it, you can start watering plants with rainwater and also collect and use it to wash the floor, for example.
- Green Up Your Premises
Try to add as many trees, bushes and lakes as possible to the area around your business. This will not only please nature, but also your customers who will be more likely to spend time in this area. If you are furnishing the interior, make sure that it is made of eco-friendly materials that are sustainable and recyclable. This will reduce the ecological footprint of your business, in addition to improving your working environment and the name of your business.
- Choose Seasonal and Local Products
Do your part to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by using as much seasonal and local produce as possible in your business.
- Use Environmentally Friendly Cleaning Products
Choose your cleaning products well. The best way is to select those that are labeled eco-friendly. Because the less environmentally friendly ones, even after they have been run through the cleaner, contain a lot of phosphates, solvents that often pollute nature and thus have serious consequences for biodiversity.
- Reduce Paper and Cardboard Use
You can print documents double-sided or use the blank side for taking notes. If you can, choose recycled, FSC or PEFC-labelled paper instead. Don't forget to recycle paper and cardboard properly. By doing this you are protecting forests, reducing the amount of energy and water used in their production, as well as the amount of unnecessary waste created.
With these tips (and of course many others), your business can also contribute to biodiversity conservation. What's more, you'll improve your company's reputation and feel much better that you've done something good for the planet.
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